With the rising cases of COVID-19, countries have taken steps to limit people's movement. This has changed how people do business. Businesses have somehow adjusted to the new normal, trying to blend in with the new demands, including delivery and starting to adopt cashless payment and virtual engagement with their customers.
What can SEO do to help in the midst of the COVID-19 crisis?
As businesses remain relevant to their target market, the supply and services have changed drastically. More selling platforms have introduced bulk selling for necessities in this time of a pandemic. This includes first-aid kits, masks, PPE, alcohol, tissue, and food.
Consumers are turning to online stores and bill payment to address their needs, which means that the use of online transactions has increased almost 90 percent. Social media has gained the highest traffic since the pandemic started; Facebook becomes the new hangout for friends and family, online gaming becomes the new playground, and Spotify is definitely the new radio for Generation Z.
SEO becomes in demand when customers are increasingly shifting their shopping method from physical stores to online options. Therefore, if you are a brand, service, or organization, you should focus on creating high-quality content, entertaining digital experiences that will draw interest to customers through mobile devices.
The competition is wide, but with the right content, effective SEO campaigns, social media integration, attractive design, user-friendly features, and immediate response, getting ahead of the competition is possible.